The Democratic Party is still trying to sell the American people on the unpopular health care bill the President and Congressional leaders rammed through Congress. But there's a problem. We can't afford it.
Despite the claim the health care bill is paid for, it is not. Only slick accounting tricks allowed the Democrats to say their health care bill would not be the cause additional government borrowing. Outside studies have concluded the health care bill will bring on additional debt.
Unfortunately, the bill for all that debt will come due someday, and a generation that had no say in any of this will have to pay it back.
Here's what Investor's Business Daily has to say about it:
What have the congressional Democrats who rammed through their health care overhaul been watching over the years as both hard and soft socialist governments have either collapsed, continued to bring misery or become unsustainable? Despite ample evidence that a welfare state cannot thrive, these lawmakers have forced on the country a "reform" that will load Americans with a burden they will not long be able to bear.